Sport Club Resources

Sport Club Officer Forms
Participant Forms
Use the Bobcat Organization HUB to search for a Sport Club and sign the required Sport Club Risk Release form on the Texas State Campus Recreation HUB homepage. There are 3 risk release options based on if you are a current TXST Member, opposing player or an attendee for open practice/tryouts!
Official Sport Club Participant Risk Release Form: For official TXST Sport Club members
TXST Student Participants Trying Out or Attending Open Sport Club Practice Risk Release: For TXST students looking to tryout for a sport club team or attend an open practice.
Sport Club Visiting Player Risk Release (visiting team): For non TXST students that are competing on campus against a TXST sport club.
Event Planning Forms
To schedule an on campus event using The Department of Campus Recreation facilities, use the Sport Club Facility & Event Request Form!
To schedule an on campus event using other facilities (LBJ Mall, Quad, Bobcat Trail & More), submit an Outdoor Spaces Event Reservation! Check out these instructions on filling out the request!
To request a temporary permit for non-prepackaged food to be sold or distributed at an event check out the resources on the EHSREM website! Check out this infographic to determine if the sport club event requires a temporary food permit!
Coach Forms
The Coach Consent Form and Coach Indemnity Agreement Form must be completed each academic school year for all volunteer or paid coaches. Please have your coach(es) fill out the information and share this with the Sport Club Office!
All paid or volunteer coaches affiliated with a sport club team will need to undergo a background check. Notify the Sport Club Office of the coaches full legal name and their personal email. Coach(es) will receive an email and will need to follow prompts until completion!
All paid coaches will need to also submit an Independent Contractor Professional Services Worksheet.
Purchasing Forms
The Bobcat HUB now holds the new Sport Club Purchase Request Form!
Reminder: Cash advances take around 10 days to process, reimbursements take about 30 days to process and all recipients must be an approved vendor in PaymentWorks.
If you need to become an approved vendor, contact the Sport Club Office about getting into PaymentWorks!
End of Event Report
The End of Event Report is designed to learn about the accomplishments of sport clubs during competitions off campus! Please submit this within 3 days of competition concluding!
Apparel & Equipment Branding Request
The Apparel & Equipment Branding Request Form is to review and approve designs that sport clubs are looking to produce with approved licensed vendors!
Registered Student Organization Form
To re-register, Sport Clubs will need to re-register by following these instructions
All Registered Student Organizations will need an advisor. If the Sport Club needs assistance in acquiring an advisor, use the Advisor Database Form to find an advisor that will assist and support the Sport Club!
Travel & Approved Driver Request Form
The Sport Club Travel Request Form is required 1 week in advance for in-state trips and 2 weeks in advance for out of state trips! Submit to the Sport Club Office via email!
The Approved Driver Request Form is required at the beginning of the academic year prior to any off campus competitions that require sport club members to drive and is also required when personal driving information changes.
Sport Club Officer Resources
Eligibility for Sport Club Members
Sport Club Members are eligible to join any Sport Club depending on the requirements set forth by each Sport Club. Some teams host tryouts during the Fall and/or Spring Semesters, which can finalize their roster for the season and league. Currently, Sport Club members are required to be in good academic standing and enrolled in at least 6 credit hours unless a Graduate student or in the last semester.
Many Sport Clubs adhere to the eligibility requirements set forth by their designated National Governing Organizations. This may require a specific GPA or number of credits to compete.
Sport Club Manual
The Sport Club Manual coming soon! Thank you for being patient as we revamp!
Additional Funding Opportunities
Each year a pool of funding is made available to support student organization programming and conference travel expenses up to $1,000.00. To apply, submit an Application for Student Involvement Funding
The Texas State Donation Form is active throughout the year! Family, friends and supporters can donate directly to each Sport Club!For sponsors and Gifts in Kind, please discuss with the Sport Club Office!
Student Involvement Constitution Template Resource
Student Involvement has provided a Constitution Template to guide the creation of each Sport Clubs Constitution.
Sport Club Constitution Requirements:
- Removing a member, advisor, or coach
- Coach expectations & playing time
- National Governing Organization Eligibility Requirements
- Dues and Refunds
Apparel & Branding Information
To find an Approved Licensed Vendor for apparel, equipment & merchandise, use the Licensee Search Database
Visit the Texas State Brand Guidelines & Licensing page to learn about specific logos, colors and fonts!
In-Person Deposits
Please reach out the Sport Club Office or Coordinator for Competitive Sports to schedule an appointment for depositing dues or non-dues to the Sport Club specific bank account.
For after office hours deposits, check out these instructions for deposits at the SRC using the fillable deposit form!
Sport Club Treasurer Resources
Check out this Treasurer Training to better understand sport club operations and treasurer responsibilities!
Bobcat Organization HUB Resources
Check out these instructions to help assist the development of your Sport Clubs Bobcat Organization HUB page!
Officer Training Powerpoint
Check out our Spring 2025 Officer Training